The Role of Municipalities in Promoting Well-Being


  • Inga Jēkabsone University of Latvia
  • Biruta Sloka University of Latvia



municipality, well-being, citizen involvement, community, co-responsibility


The aim of the paper is to research different approaches to researching and promoting the well-being in municipalities. To achieve the aim, such qualitative and quantitative methods of research as comparing, grouping, graphical analysis, focus group methods will be used. The main results and findings of the paper are: the role of municipalities in promoting well-being is increasing contrary to the role of national or regional authorities, due to the autonomous functions of local authorities, intensive informative links and a wide range of available economic and social instruments.


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How to Cite

Jēkabsone, I., & Sloka, B. (2014). The Role of Municipalities in Promoting Well-Being. Economics and Business, 25, 40-47.