The Assessment of Well-being in Context of Regional Development


  • Inga Jēkabsone University of Latvia
  • Biruta Sloka University of Latvia



Citizens’ involvement, municipality, regional development, well-being.


The aim of the paper is to present the methodology and results of some empirical research of the assessment of well-being at local level in context of regional development. To achieve the aim, such qualitative and quantitative methods of research as comparing, grouping, graphical analysis and focus group methods were be used. The main result and finding of the paper is the conclusion that in order to promote the regional development of the territory, the assessment of well-being at the level of administrative territory is needed. Based on this assessment, the policy can be developed in order to promote the regional development and social cohesion of the territory, as well as to have better communication between municipality and inhabitants.


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How to Cite

Jēkabsone, I., & Sloka, B. (2014). The Assessment of Well-being in Context of Regional Development. Economics and Business, 26, 28-35.