E-Commerce in Lithuania


  • Arnoldina Pabedinskaitė Mykolas Romeris University




e-commerce, consumers’ behaviour


A successful business development cannot be currently imagined without the active use of cutting-edge information technologies and the Internet. Nowadays, technologies offer a wide range of opportunities for entering the international market and expanding the existing one by various methods.
In 2011, Lithuania ranked 22nd by the volume of e-commerce among the EU member states with 11% of individuals purchasing online compared to the total number of the population, while in the EU the number of e-commerce users accounts for 34% on average. Therefore, although the number of e-commerce users is continuously growing, the penetration of ecommerce in Lithuania is far below the EU average.
The aim of this article is to perform an analysis of the development of e-commerce in Lithuania and to identify some characteristics of e-consumers’ behaviour.
Research methods: comparative analysis of scientific literature, statistical data processing methods.


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How to Cite

Pabedinskaitė, A. (2014). E-Commerce in Lithuania. Economics and Business, 24, 113-118. https://doi.org/10.7250/eb.2013.014