Regional Recovery from the Economic Crisis: Assessment Opportunities


  • Vilda Giziene Kaunas University of Technology
  • Oksana Palekiene Kaunas University of Technology
  • Tatiana Orekhova Donetsk National University



crisis, economic development indicators, regions, regional recovery from crisis


In order to be a competitive region especially after an economic crisis, it is important to properly select the measures that would be effective in the period of recovery from the economic crisis. The important role is played by the country and the policy it implements. Regional recovery opportunities are analysed in the paper. A regional development and competitiveness evaluation model is developed; the evaluation of Lithuanian and Ukrainian economic recovery from the economic crisis is carried out.


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How to Cite

Giziene, V., Palekiene, O., & Orekhova, T. (2014). Regional Recovery from the Economic Crisis: Assessment Opportunities. Economics and Business, 25, 34-39.